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Speakers for Kuczera Symposium

The organisers have locked in most of the speakers for the Kuzcera Symposium and its clear that this event is rapidly becoming the event to be at for Hydrolody theory and practice in Australia and New Zealand for 2019. Some of the highlights include:

  1. National Testing Model and Big Data
  2. Integrating drought risk and drought planning
  3. Urban systems hydrology
  4. Next generation stochastic data for water resource planning
  5. Applying an MCMC approach to pipe condition assessment
  6. Urban water planning methods: step change or trend
  7. Practicalities and learnings from 2 years of ARR
  8. Hydrological model development and parameter fitting

Early bird pricing closes at 5pm sharp Sydney time today (24th May 2019) and with the symposium a little over two weeks away there won’t be any last minute extensions.

ARR 2019 Launched

In case you missed it the latest update to the ARR living document: ARR 2019 is now live in multiple formats: PDF; Web and ePub. Check it out online courtesy of GeoScience Australia.

Don’t forget the supporting projects either.

Nutrient Removal Presentations

The presenters have been kind enough to post PDFs of their presentations:

Kuczera Symposium

On 12-13 June 2019 we will be holding a symposium marking George’s formal retirement from The University of Newcastle and the start of George’s post-university career and lifestyle. This will be a symposium open to all George’s friends and professional colleagues to celebrate the myriad of contributions George has made to hydrology research and professional practice throughout his career, and to look forward to the future in these areas by identifying Grand Challenges in research, practice, and how to link the two.

Professor George Kuczera
Professor George Kuczera

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Nutrient Management Through Nature-based Solutions and Policy


Unprecedented growth in Sydney is putting pressures on the receiving waters. The increases in nutrients runoff and discharges affect the aquatic health and can influence the liveability of urban areas near receiving waters. Management of these nutrients will be critical in ensuring liveable healthy communities through maintaining aquatic health and supporting the economic activities on the rivers and creeks.


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ARRB ARR2016 Road Training

The Australian Road Research Board is hosting a two x two-day workshops on ARR2016 with a specific focus on Austroads Guide to Road Design Parts 5, 5a & 5b.  They will be delivered by Mark Babister and Bill Weeks in Brisbane on 30 April/1 May and Melbourn on 4/5 June. 

Rainfall Runoff Processes in Urban Catchments (Source ARR2016)

Content includes:

  • familiarising road designers and civil engineers with current best practice in road drainage design;
  • outlining application of “Australian Rainfall and Runoff” to road drainage design, and;
  • describing how drainage conditions can influence road design, road location.

Full details at:

Workshop on ARR2016 in Urban Areas

There is a pre-conference workshop in front of the Floodplain Management Australia’s 2019 National Conference on Monday 13th May at the Hotel Realm, Canberra.

Spatial Distribution of Average Annual Rainfall Depths for the Greater Melbourne Region (From ARR2019 Book 9, Chapter 2)

To quote:

This one day course will be presented by the editors and authors of ARR and will cover the philosophy and application of ARR in urban catchments. The course is aimed at practitioners, managers, town planners and council engineering staff. The workshop will provide an overview of ARR but will focus on the application in urban areas. This workshop will include practical application via examples, open discussion and answers to questions. Importantly, this workshop is an opportunity for council officers and practitioners to discuss the objectives, the application and challenges of the new ARR Urban Book. An important part of the course will be the current philosophical objectives of the urban book and how we design and manage urban system in the future.

Full details are available at:

Using Australian Water Resource Assessment (AWRA-L) model for catchment conditions

In this seminar we introduce the AWRA-L model and website; detailing outputs, performance and use. An in-house use case of how the Bureau of Meteorology is using AWRA-L to estimate antecedent soil moisture conditions for operational flood warning is presented.  It is scheduled for:

8th April 2019
5:30pm Networking and Registration
6pm Start
Bureau of Meteorology
Level 15
300 Elizabeth Street Surry Hill

A printable flyer is available for download.

Pre-registration is mandatory to reserve your spot in this prime venue.

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2019 Stormwater NSW Conference

The details for the 2019 Stormwater NSW Conference are now live with full details at:

2019 Stormwater NSW Conference
27 – 29 August 2019
Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, NSW

SPLASH: Innovation in the urban development sector big ideas, new technologies, integrated design


Venue: Sydney Water Building, 1 Smith St Parramatta, Level 4

Date: Thursday 14 February 2019

Time: Registration from 8:00am. Event starts at 8:30am -12:00pm followed by a light lunch and networking

Cost: $150 (incl. GST) – Splash Members, CRCWSC Members

$185 (incl. GST) Non-members 

Register Now


Our changing urban form offers opportunities for vibrant, walkable suburbs that support a connected community. Urban growth and densification, climate change, and increasing health costs, are driving an increased interest in green infrastructure and water sensitive urban design due to the multiple benefits that they can provide.

In this national seminar series, we showcase innovative developments that create the types of communities we all want to live in. Each development demonstrates how integrated design can deliver leafy suburbs that connect communities through access to high-quality private spaces, streetscapes and parks, with active links to healthy urban waterways. Combined, all of this offers lifestyles that support improved physical and mental wellbeing.

This is your chance to hear from project managers of award-winning developments across Australia who have incorporated innovative urban water management into successful housing developments. The key focus of this seminar is to learn:

  • why we should embrace new approaches to urban greening and sustainable urban water management
  • the challenges to innovation and how they were overcome
  • the enabling factors that contributed to the development’s success
  • how the market is responding to these innovative developments.

White Gum Valley (Western Australia), Aquarevo (Victoria), Barangaroo, Fairwater and Willowdale (TBC) (New South Wales) have responded to community demand for sustainable housing choices, lower utility costs, and developments that offer attractive tree-lined streets to support more active lifestyles, providing  high quality lifestyles.

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