On behalf of The Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority, GEMS Event management are running a number of Water Sensitive Urban Design Workshops over 2010. The first is scheduled for the 17th or 18th March 2010, details:
Construction and Establishment of Vegetated Stormwater Systems
Effective civil construction and landscape establishment of bioretention systems, wetlands and swales is required to minimise costs and timeframes and realise the stormwater management benefits of these systems.
This one-day course provides detailed step by step guidance on the construction and establishment of bioretention systems and stormwater wetlands in order to address the key issues faced during on-ground delivery. It covers construction methods that respond to the phases of development (i.e. civil construction, landscape establishment and house building) and protocols (inspection requirements, sign-off forms) that ensure successful construction and establishment.
Workshop Dates: Wednesday 17th March, 2010 or Thursday 18th March, 2010.
Venue: Sydney Masonic Centre
66 Goulburn St
Sydney NSW 2000
Local Government Officer fee – $390 per person including GST
Consultants or Industry fee – $550 per person including GST
Full details please contact: Julie McGraw on (02) 9744 5252
I’m very interested in learning more about water sensitive urban design and would like to attend this course. Are there any pre-requisite skills or training required?
Hi Liz,
We have just added this as a courtesy and are not running the course ourselves. I’d suggest that you contact Julie directly for more information regarding any prerequisites.
Thanks for the query though.