Posts in "conference" tag

Workshop on ARR2016 in Urban Areas

There is a pre-conference workshop in front of the Floodplain Management Australia’s 2019 National Conference on Monday 13th May at the Hotel Realm, Canberra.

Spatial Distribution of Average Annual Rainfall Depths for the Greater Melbourne Region (From ARR2019 Book 9, Chapter 2)

To quote:

This one day course will be presented by the editors and authors of ARR and will cover the philosophy and application of ARR in urban catchments. The course is aimed at practitioners, managers, town planners and council engineering staff. The workshop will provide an overview of ARR but will focus on the application in urban areas. This workshop will include practical application via examples, open discussion and answers to questions. Importantly, this workshop is an opportunity for council officers and practitioners to discuss the objectives, the application and challenges of the new ARR Urban Book. An important part of the course will be the current philosophical objectives of the urban book and how we design and manage urban system in the future.

Full details are available at:

2019 Stormwater NSW Conference

The details for the 2019 Stormwater NSW Conference are now live with full details at:

2019 Stormwater NSW Conference
27 – 29 August 2019
Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, NSW

ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO: “Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges” PRCC conference – Register Now!

The following is a cross post of a conference announcement that may be of interest to our subscribers.

Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference, 1-3 May, Canberra, Australia

Registrations are now open for the ‘Practical Responses to Climate Change’ conference which will be held in Canberra, Australia, at the National Convention Centre from 1 to 3 May 2012. The theme for 2012 is ‘Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges’.

The conference will provide a forum for presenting strategies for managing a variable and changing climate, with a particular focus on the water sector. It will be an opportunity for policy makers, engineers, business leaders, planners and researchers from a range of disciplines to present, listen to and debate the latest research and practice on water and climate policy implementation challenges in urban, catchment and coastal environments. High profile national and international speakers will be brought together with delegates from around Australia and the world for a series of plenary lectures and contributed papers that will ensure a vibrant and interesting program. Discussion panel sessions at the end of each day will be included to allow a forum for debate of key issues and also presentation and discussion of the most recent thinking.

Just some of the speakers include:

  • James Cameron – CEO, National Water Commission
  • Wendy Craik AM – Commissioner of the Barriers to Climate Change Adaption Inquiry, Productivity Commission
  • Phil Cummins – Deputy Commissioner, Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry
  • Rhondda Dickson – CEO, Murray Darling Basin Authority
  • Leo Dobes – Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Rowan Douglas – CEO Global Analytics, Willis Group & Chairman, WillisRe Research Network
  • Alistair Driver – National Conservation Manager, UK Environment Agency
  • Barbara Norman – Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Canberra
  • Mike Rothery – First Assistant Secretary, National Security Resilience Policy Division, Attorney-General’s Department
  • Harinder Sidhu – First Assistant Secretary – Adaptation, Science and Communication Division Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
  • Caroline Sullivan – Assoc Prof Environment, Economics and Policy, Southern Cross University
  • Rob Vertessy – Acting Director of Meteorology, Bureau of Meteorology

The full program can be downloaded.

The conference is run by Engineers Australia in partnership with the HC Coombs Policy Forum at the Australian National University. Further information on the conference and registrations (including reduced prices for students) can be found at:

7th International Conference on WSUD

The final annoucements and details are going around for the 7th International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design but as its scheduled for the 21-23 February 2012 you’d better check it out quickly.

Understanding the nexus between sustainable urban water management and the vitality, liveability and prosperity of urban communities is one of the most significant challenges of the 21st Century. Many urban communities are now faced with rising temperatures, longer and more severe droughts, more frequent and devastating floods and increased levels of water borne pollutants; all of which diminish the liveability of our urban areas and degrade our natural environments.

Our cities and communities need to become water sensitive; where water is managed within our urban areas to provide maximum value for a range of functions and users, including the natural environment. A water sensitive city is resilient and is able to cope with extended periods of drought and intense rainfall. A water sensitive community appreciates the scarcity and value of potable water supplies and supports the use of other water sources to enhance amenity, minimise heat island effects and improve their quality of life.

Building a water sensitive community cannot be achieved with traditional urban water management approaches alone. To meet to this challenge, an integrated approach is necessary; we should strive to effectively link the myriad design and implementation cultures of the different disciplines involved in urban water management.

IAH Groundwater Symposium: Uncertainty in Hydrogeology

This is cross-posting is an announcement for the IAH Groundwater Symposium – Uncertainty in Hydrogeology – to be held at Dockside, (Sydney CBD) on 5-6 September 2011.

There is a reciprocal arrangement with a discount for EA members.

The announcement flyer is available and the conference website contains more information.

National Climate Change Conference: Keynote Announcements

The National Conference Practical Responses to Climate Change is proud to confirm impressive keynote presentations from:

  • Dr Jaap Schellekens, Expert Advisor at Deltares, Netherlands
  • Dr Kevin Hennessy, Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia: Climate Change Science Update
  • Dr Francis Chiew, Senior Leader at CSIRO Land and Water, Australia: Climate Impact on Water Resources
  • Mr John Ginivan, Executive Director – Planning Policy at the Department of Planning and Community Development, Australia: Policy and Pragmatism in the Real World
  • Mr Angus Gordon, former CEO of Pittwater Council: Terror Australis – Local Government in Deepening Water
  • Mr Rob Skinner, Managing Director, Melbourne Water: Sustainable Cities of the Future

To view the full Conference program and register for the Conference please visit the website

Early registration closes on Saturday 3 July 2010

34th IAHR Congress: Abstracts 15th July

The welcome letter from the congress chair is reproduced here with minor formatting changes:

The 34th Biennial Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) will be held in Brisbane, Australia, 26 June to 1 July, 2011. The Congress theme “Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World” focuses on the central roles of hydraulic engineering, hydrology and water resources in our changing world and how these roles link to the broader issues. A balance is continually being sought between competing values in water engineering, including the environment, the economy, tourism, social and indigenous values, health aspects, aesthetics, and the needs of current and future generations.

The deadline for abstract submission is the 15 July 2010. Submit your abstract now!

To submit your abstract, visit and select the “Call for abstracts” option. Once A full list of topics and themes is provided and you can quickly lodge your abstract using the on-line submission system. you submit an abstract, you will automatically receive updates. The notification of abstract will be early September and the deadline for full paper will be in October 2010. Each submitted paper will be peer-reviewed.

The congress is jointly organised by IAHR, Engineers Australia and its National Committee on Water Engineering. It will be held in conjunction with Australia’s two premier hydrology and hydraulic conferences:

  • the 33rd National Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and
  • the 10th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering.
    1. The integrated event will be attended by a wide range of international and Australasian academics, researchers, practitioners, regulators, infrastructure developers and resource managers with an interest in water . The congress will include the prestigious IAHR plenary lectures, the Munro and Henderson Orations, the Ippen Award Lecture, and announcements of the GN Alexander Medal recipient and John F Kennedy student award.

PRCC Conference Abstract Extension

Due to a number of requests to extend the abstract deadline for the Practical Responses to Climate Change conference the organisers have extended the deadline until Friday 23rd March 2010.

For full details check out:

PRCC: Final Call For Abstracts

The final call for abstracts for the inaugural Practical Responses to Climate Change National Conference has just been made. If you are interested, please contact the organisers as soon as possible at:

Second Call for Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference

The second call for abstracts has just been release for the PRCCC to be held in Melbourne over 29 September 2010 – 1 October 2010. I’ve reproduced it below and full details are available on their website:

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