Posts in "HIWE2017" tag

Seven Days Until HIWE2017

Due to popular demand – to allow for internal approval times – we have buckled and agreed to extend the deadline for standard registration rates by 72 hours to Thursday 9th of November.  We already have 130 registrants and the remaining places are filling fast.  Register quickly to guarantee your spot and lock in the standard fee.

Our programme at a glance includes highlights such as:

The full programme is available online.

Hydraulic Workshop

The day starts with a Q&A session featuring prominent hydraulic modellers discussing the latest techniques and the future direct of 2D modelling. They will discuss cloud storage, GPU cards, calibration techniques, CFD and much more. Mark Forest>, Practice Leader – Floodplain Management and Surface Water Modelling, HDR Engineering, Reno Nevada, USA, talk on the developments and evolution of HEC-RAS. Hear and question Software developers and vendors on the latest developments and innovations.  So far TUFLOW, DHI, 12d, Innovyze, HEC 2D and Waterride are confirmed to be present.  See the latest on Monte Carlo hydraulic modelling with direct examples of these techniques (including the Brisbane River flood study) in practice from front line engineers.

Standard Registration Extended to the 9th of November

Standard registration has been extended until the 9th but will rise from there – we simply can’t extend at standard any longer and prices will rise.  Register now to lock in the standard rate.

Call for Abstracts for the 13th Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference in Sydney, 13-16 November 2017

The National Committee on Water Engineering and Engineers Australia is pleased to announce that the 13th Hydraulics in Water Engineering Conference will be held at the DockSide, Sydney on 13-16 November 2017 ( The conference will cover all aspects of Hydraulics in Water Engineering.
The Scientific Committee of the 13th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering is inviting Authors to submit Abstracts to any of the following themes.

Conference Themes

  • Applied Hydraulics         (Best engineering practice, Risk management, Climate change adaptation, Education)
  • Hydraulic structures     (Conveyance structures, Dam operations, Hydropower, Flow structure interactions)
  • Infrastructure                    (Stormwater, Bridges, Pipes and pumps, Irrigation)
  • Coastal Hydraulics        (Ports and harbours, Shoreline protection, Geomorphology)
  • Riverine Hydraulics        (Rivers, Estuaries, Sediment transport, Wetlands)
  • Numerical methods      (Computational Fluid Dynamics, Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, Flood forecasting)
  • Environmental                  (Ecohydraulics, Environmental fluid mechanics, Ocean outfalls, Stratification, Water quality)
  • Hydraulic Methods      (Technology, Innovations, Physical modelling, Data collection, Industrial processes)

Submission Details

Download the Abstract Template provided and submit all Abstracts to by 31st March 2017.

Once the Abstract has been accepted, authors are required to submit a full paper for peer review.

Further details and the Abstract Template can be found on the conference webpage:

Key Dates for your diary

Abstract submission closes                                         31 March 2017
Notification of acceptance of Abstracts                     28 April 2017
Full papers due                                                            23 June 2017
Final date for submission of revised full papers         15 Sept 2017
All oral presentation to be submitted                          October 2017