Posts in "Climate Change" tag

Abstract Extension for Climate Adaptation Conference To Feb 9

CA2018 Logo

Climate Adaptation 2018 is the major Australian forum focused exclusively on climate impacts and adaptation. In 2018, NCCARF are partnering with Engineer’s Australia to incorporate Practical Responses to Climate Change and build a bigger, broader program.

Attendees have the opportunity to make oral presentations and posters, as well as to take part in workshops, exhibits, plenary sessions and panel sessions. The day prior to the conference will be a free workshop for early career professionals registered for the conference.

Abstract submission have been extended and must be submitted by midnight 9th February 2018. You can visit the conference website at to submit an abstract or register.

The conference organisers are also looking to feature a selection of videos or animations around climate change and adaptation. Expressions of interest should be sent to by 28th February along with:

  • Video title
  • Short description of video (e.g. intended audience, how made etc.)
  • Sector (e.g. government, community, industry etc.)
  • A link to where we can view the video

ARR Workshops Now With Stand-Alone Pricing

Stand-Alone Pricing

We had previously announced that the workshops could only be booked as part of a conference package.  Now, however, that ARR team have announced stand-alone pricing of: $195 for each workshop.

Australian Rainfall and Runoff Climate Change Guidelines Launch

Speaker: Bryson Bates
Wednesday 26 November 2014, 4-5.30pm
Australian Rainfall and Runoff will be launching its Interim Climate Change Guidelines at the Engineers Australia National Convention 2014. These guidelines were lead by Dr Bryson Bates from CSIRO. This draft discussion paper draws on the most recent climate science, particularly the release of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on the Physical Science Basis in September 2013 (IPCC, 2013) as well as the new climate change projections for Australia (CSIRO and BoM, 2014), and outlines an approach to address the risks from climate change in projects and decisions that involve estimation of design flood characteristics. For consistency with the revised IFD design estimates for Australia, the Interim Guideline is intended to be applied to current-day rainfall intensities with a probability of one exceedance per year or annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) from 50% to 1%.

Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 18 – Interaction of Coastal Processes and Severe Weather Events

Speaker: Seth Westra, Michael Leonard
Thursday 27 November 2014, 3.30-5 pm
Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 18 focused on the Interaction of Coastal Processes and Severe Weather Events. This session  will include an overview of the methodology and a demonstration of the software developed by the University of Adelaide. This project will address the current short coming in estimating flood behaviour in the estuarine zone for current and future climate conditions.

To register please go to the Convention Website. Follow the normal registration process for the Convention. The system asks you to choose what you want to attend to calculate the fee to be charged. While the Convention has a number of workshops running the registration page is only showing them as ‘Wednesday Workshop’ and ‘Thursday Workshop.’ So depending upon the day you want to attend, you can register for one or both. Registration costs $195 per workshop.

Panel Presentation for September

The Water Panel is pleased to announce that the September presentation will be given by Dr Bryson Bates, CSIRO, and is titled Climate Change and IFD.  The presentation will be given at EA’s Chatswood auditorium on Tuesday 25th September 2012, 5:30 for 6pm with drinks and nibbles available prior to the presentation.  The abstract of the presentation is:

Bryson has been the lead of several CSIRO projects that have been assessing the impact of climate change on rainfall extremes. Bryson is also joint author of the ARR climate change research strategy and plan. Bryson’s presentation will discuss how climate change will affect rainfall extremes- what we do know and what we don’t and what we are likely to know in the future, as well as the uncertainty about estimates.

A printable PDF flyer is available for redistribution.

ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO: “Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges” PRCC conference – Register Now!

The following is a cross post of a conference announcement that may be of interest to our subscribers.

Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference, 1-3 May, Canberra, Australia

Registrations are now open for the ‘Practical Responses to Climate Change’ conference which will be held in Canberra, Australia, at the National Convention Centre from 1 to 3 May 2012. The theme for 2012 is ‘Water and Climate: Policy Implementation Challenges’.

The conference will provide a forum for presenting strategies for managing a variable and changing climate, with a particular focus on the water sector. It will be an opportunity for policy makers, engineers, business leaders, planners and researchers from a range of disciplines to present, listen to and debate the latest research and practice on water and climate policy implementation challenges in urban, catchment and coastal environments. High profile national and international speakers will be brought together with delegates from around Australia and the world for a series of plenary lectures and contributed papers that will ensure a vibrant and interesting program. Discussion panel sessions at the end of each day will be included to allow a forum for debate of key issues and also presentation and discussion of the most recent thinking.

Just some of the speakers include:

  • James Cameron – CEO, National Water Commission
  • Wendy Craik AM – Commissioner of the Barriers to Climate Change Adaption Inquiry, Productivity Commission
  • Phil Cummins – Deputy Commissioner, Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry
  • Rhondda Dickson – CEO, Murray Darling Basin Authority
  • Leo Dobes – Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Rowan Douglas – CEO Global Analytics, Willis Group & Chairman, WillisRe Research Network
  • Alistair Driver – National Conservation Manager, UK Environment Agency
  • Barbara Norman – Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Canberra
  • Mike Rothery – First Assistant Secretary, National Security Resilience Policy Division, Attorney-General’s Department
  • Harinder Sidhu – First Assistant Secretary – Adaptation, Science and Communication Division Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
  • Caroline Sullivan – Assoc Prof Environment, Economics and Policy, Southern Cross University
  • Rob Vertessy – Acting Director of Meteorology, Bureau of Meteorology

The full program can be downloaded.

The conference is run by Engineers Australia in partnership with the HC Coombs Policy Forum at the Australian National University. Further information on the conference and registrations (including reduced prices for students) can be found at:

EA Eminent Speaker: Dr Kate White

The following is a cross post from Engineers Australia National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering


Senior Lead for Global and Climate Change, US Army Corps of Engineers

Date: Tuesday 8th May 2012
Time: 5:30pm for 6:00pm start
Venue: Zenith Theatre and Convention Centre
Corner McIntosh and Railway Streets, Chatswood, NSW

TO REGISTER to attend online, please use the below link:

Continue Reading…

November Presentation: Downscaling Climate Projections for Impact and Adaptation Applications in NSW

The November presentation of the Sydney Division Water Engineering Panel has been confirmed for the 22nd November 2011, 5:30 for a 6pm start with light refreshments and alcoholic and non-alcohoic beverages available. The presentation is titled Downscaling Climate Projections for Impact and Adaptation Applications in NSW and will be given by Dr Jason Evans of the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre.

The abstract for the presentation is:

Ongoing climate change means that the historical record is no longer sufficient information for future infrastructure planning across multiple sectors. Climate projection information is derived primarily from Global Climate Models that operate at large spatial scales (100s km) that are inappropriate for most impact and adaptation work. Downscaling this information to an appropriate scale can be done using either “statistical” or “dynamical” approaches. In collaboration with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, the UNSW Climate Change Research Centre is producing dynamically downscaled climate projections as part of the NSW/ACT Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) project. This presentation will discuss downscaled climate projections, in particular the NARCliM project and its relevance for future water engineering across multiple scales.

NARCliM is producing climate projections over south-eastern Australia at ~10km spatial resolution, and one to three hourly temporal resolution. In addition to the usual climate variables, NARCliM will be tracking sub-daily precipitation and wind gust extremes down to the maximum 5 minute events. NARCliM outputs cover a wide range of climate variables relevant across many sectors and will provide a basis of climate projection information at scales appropriate for activities ranging from urban flood hydrology up to large water resource reservoirs.

A PDF printable flyer for the event is also available.

Water Resources Planning and Design Under a Changing Climate

The next Panel presentation is titled “Water Resources Planning and Design Under a Changing Climate” and will be given by Dr Seth Westra, UNSW. It will be given on the 26th October 2010, 5:30 for a 6pm start at the EA Auditorium, Chatswood. The full abstract is available on the flier but as a teaser:

Water supply systems, flood protection works and a range of other climate-sensitive infrastructure traditionally have been designed based on the assumption that the future climate will mirror what has occurred in the past. Although this assumption has been questioned due to the natural fluctuations of climate, such variability usually can be accommodated by using long instrumental records or information from paleo-climate sources. In contrast, human-induced climate change is expected to push a range of hydrological variables well outside the envelope of what has occurred in the past, leading some researchers to proclaim this assumption that underpins so much of hydrological design is now ‘dead’.

Climate Change Flier

PRCC National Conference

The organisers of the Practical Responses to Climate Change National Conference have just released the program for the event. We’ve mirrored their announcement below and if you are interested I’ve also linked to their program.

The Practical Responses to Climate Change National Conference is pleased to advise that the program is now available on-line. Our program features international and national keynote speakers, plenary panel sessions designed to provide an opportunity for open discussion amongst experienced industry representatives and delegates, and of course a full program of peer reviewed papers in our four themes: Coasts & Estuaries; Water Resources; Catchments, Floodplains & Waterways; Planning & Policy.

Visit the ‘presenters’ page on the Conference website and follow the links to view all Conference presentation abstracts.

National Climate Change Conference: Keynote Announcements

The National Conference Practical Responses to Climate Change is proud to confirm impressive keynote presentations from:

  • Dr Jaap Schellekens, Expert Advisor at Deltares, Netherlands
  • Dr Kevin Hennessy, Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Australia: Climate Change Science Update
  • Dr Francis Chiew, Senior Leader at CSIRO Land and Water, Australia: Climate Impact on Water Resources
  • Mr John Ginivan, Executive Director – Planning Policy at the Department of Planning and Community Development, Australia: Policy and Pragmatism in the Real World
  • Mr Angus Gordon, former CEO of Pittwater Council: Terror Australis – Local Government in Deepening Water
  • Mr Rob Skinner, Managing Director, Melbourne Water: Sustainable Cities of the Future

To view the full Conference program and register for the Conference please visit the website

Early registration closes on Saturday 3 July 2010

PRCC Conference Abstract Extension

Due to a number of requests to extend the abstract deadline for the Practical Responses to Climate Change conference the organisers have extended the deadline until Friday 23rd March 2010.

For full details check out:

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