Posts in "Presentation" tag

Panel Events to June 2010

The Panel has published its event calendar to June 2010 with the following events:

  • 2nd March 2010: Networking Event
  • 23rd March 2010: Highlights of HWRS Newcastle
  • 27th April 2010: River protection works, To Groyne or not to Groyne
  • 25th May 2010: Blockage
  • 22nd June 2010: Dirty Boring tides

As usual these events are held at the EA Chatswood Auditorium and a map of this venue is available on the events page.

The organising committee also holds monthly meetings in a very relaxed format. These are generally held in the Sydney CBD starting at (or close to) 6pm and are currently scheduled for:

  • 6th April 2010
  • 4th May 2010
  • 1st June 2010

If you are interested in attending, please contact a member of the committee via email or have a chat at the next event.

Confluence of Water Engineers (Formal Advertisment)

Water has becomes an ever increasingly valued resource. This may explain why there are so many fields of water engineering seeking to find, manage and utilise water more sustainably. Notably these fields of engineering include, but are not restricted to the: investigation, planning and design of water and wastewater systems; investigation and design related to strategic infrastructure such as roads, rail and mines; and the integrated management of catchments to minimise the impacts of flooding.

To highlight the broad range of water engineers brought together and the technical discussions facilitated by Water Engineering Panel, the Sydney Division is holding its annual networking event The Confluence of Water Engineers on the evening of 2 March 2010.

The aim of this evening is to promote the monthly meetings of the Water Engineering Panel providing topical presentations, industry information and networking opportunities to all water engineers.

The Chair will introduce the Water Engineering Panel and provide an overview of its activities to advance knowledge and interest in the field of water engineering.

Drinks and light snacks will be provided.

When: Tuesday 2nd March, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Engineers Australia Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
Further details: Karen Brakell, ph 92725346 (

Preliminary Information for the Panel’s March Event: Confluence of Water Engineers

Water engineering covers a broad range of fields including water resources, water supply, water treatment, WSUD, water quality, waste water management, water reuse, water policy, water catchment management, environmental water etc over all aspects of research, analysis and design.

The Water Engineering Panel, Sydney Division is holding its annual networking event on the evening of 2 March 2010.

For those who have not attended the event in previous years, the night is dedicated to provoking discussion between like minded people who are interested and/or working in the field of water engineering. The event takes place in a causal environment with drinks and canapés provided.

The Chair will introduce the Water Engineering Panel, Sydney Division and explain how it goes about executing its common aim of advancing knowledge and interest in the field of water engineering. The Chair will also provide a précis of the seminars which will be held over the course of 2010.
When: Tuesday 2nd March, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Engineers Australia Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
Further details: Karen Brakell, ph 92725346 (

17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference

In more conference news the announcement for the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference has been given.

The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
5-9 December 2010

Important Dates
1 April 2010 Abstracts due.
17 May 2010 Notification of acceptance of abstracts.
15 July 2010 Full papers due.

EA Hosted Conferences

Engineers Australia have just posted their most recent list of hosted conferences but there are two conferences that stand out as water engineering focussed:

IAHR 34th Biennial Congress
Including the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium &
10th Hydraulics in Water Engineering

Call for Abstracts close 15 July 2010

When: 26 June – 1 July 2011
Where: Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane Australia

Pacific 2010 – International Maritime Conference

When: 27 – 29 January 2010
Where: Sydney Convention Centre

Birdsall Dreiss Lecture With the IAH

The Water Panel is pleased to announce that it is co-hosting this year’s Birdsall Dreiss Lecture with the IAH.  This year’s lecture is titled: Understanding Solute Transport in Extremely Heterogenous Porous Media and will be given by Dr. Chunmiao Zheng, Professor of hydrogeology at University of Alabama.  The presentation will be given on Wednesday 11th November 2009, 6 to 8 pm, University of Technology Sydney, Broadway Campus, Tower Building (CB02), 15 Broadway Street Level 4 (Tower entrance level), Room 411 (CB02.04.11) – see map on our events page.

Drinks and nibbles will be available

The abstract for the presentation, which is available on the information flier,  is:

Field studies at well-instrumented sites have played a pre-eminent role in our efforts to better understand and predict contaminant transport in geologic media. In particular, field tracer tests have provided new insights and extensive data sets essential to development and testing of transport theories and mathematical models. In addition to the investigation at field site at the Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi, much recent research on contaminant transport in heterogeneous media has been motivated by findings at the MADE site. In particular, results from field investigations have suggested the existence of small- scale preferential flow paths and relative flow barriers, which together exert a dominating control on contaminant transport and remediation. This presentation will provide an overview of the field campaigns at the MADE site over the past 25 years and discuss how the findings from these field studies have inspired various theories and models to accommodate the non-ideal transport observed in the field. The MADE site has proven to be a valuable natural observatory where continuing research efforts will lead to a stronger theoretical framework and practical tools for modelling solute transport and evaluating remedial measures in extremely heterogeneous aquifers.