Posts in "announcement" tag

PRCC: Final Call For Abstracts

The final call for abstracts for the inaugural Practical Responses to Climate Change National Conference has just been made. If you are interested, please contact the organisers as soon as possible at:

Second Call for Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference

The second call for abstracts has just been release for the PRCCC to be held in Melbourne over 29 September 2010 – 1 October 2010. I’ve reproduced it below and full details are available on their website:

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Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference Announcement

The invitation and call for abstracts for the Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference which is sponsored by the Engineers Australia National Water Committee has just been announced. See the letter from the conference chair that is reproduced below.

Date: 29 September – 1 October 2019
Location: Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, Australia.

On behalf of the organising committee I would like to invite you to the inaugural Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference, taking place at the Hilton on the Park, Melbourne from Wednesday 29 September to Friday 1 October 2010.

The Conference Practical Responses to Climate Change will provide a forum for presenting comprehensive responses to climate change within the water sector with particular emphasis on recent climate change science and impact research, vulnerability assessment techniques and adaptation strategies. It will be an excellent opportunity for engineers, scientists, planners and academics to present and debate current and future practices for adapting to changes in our environment from the catchment to the coast.

The Conference Program will focus on five streams; Coasts & Estuaries, Water Resources, Catchments, Floodplains & Waterways, Planning & Policy, explored in detail by a body of reputable and informative speakers.

We encourage you to submit abstracts on a range of topics as listed below:

  • Impact of Climate Change on Coasts and Estuaries
  • Coastal Hazards and Management responses to Climate Change
  • Impacts of climate change on water resources
  • Water resources management in response to climate change
  • Impact of Climate Change on Catchments, Floodplains and Waterways
  • Catchment, Floodplain, and Waterway Challenges and Management responses to Climate Change
  • Climate change risk assessment in a policy and planning framework
  • Planning and Policy Responses to Climate Change

Abstract submission closes on Thursday, 2 April 2010.

For further information on the Conference Program and a breakdown of each of the above topic’s sub categories please visit the Program page of the Conference website

Dr Mark Jempson
Conference Chair

2nd European Conference on Microfluidics (μFlu’10)

8-10 December 2010
Toulouse, France

For details about this event, please visit the conference website. It will provide you with the latest conference information as it becomes available.

The aim of this conference is to strengthen the links inside the European scientific community in this young discipline and to promote exchanges between European Universities and Industrial Companies engaged in this field. Microfluidics finds applications in every industrial sector, as well as in numerous media covered fields like biology, medicine, chemical and process engineering, transports, environmental sciences, microelectronics and so on. The aim of this Conference is to promote and foster European cooperation in the field of Microfluidics by bringing together scientists and engineers working in this strongly multi-disciplinary area. The Conference invites submission of abstracts describing original works on the listed topics. The papers have to contain information on research rationale, methodology, results and major conclusions. Applied papers from Industries engaged in Microfluidics especially addressed to draw strong scientific needs are welcomed.


  1. Convective Micro Heat Transfer
  2. Electrokinetic Microflows
  3. Fluidic Microactuators and Micromixing
  4. Gas Microflows
  5. Lab on a Chip and Miniaturized Chemistry
  6. Liquid Microflows
  7. Microdroplets management
  8. Microfabrication Techniques for Microfluidic Systems
  9. Microflows in Bioengineering and Biofluidics
  10. Microflow Visualisation and Measurements
  11. Two-Phase Flows in Microsystems


  • Submission of Abstract (between 500 and 1000 words): May 1, 2010
  • Author Notification of Abstract Acceptance: May 15, 2010
  • Submission of Full-Length Draft Paper for Review: July 10, 2010
  • Author Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 15, 2010
  • Submission of Final Paper: October 15, 2010
  • Deadline for Early Bird Registration: November 1, 2010

All the accepted papers will be published in the CD-ROM Conference Proceedings.
After the conference a selection of the best papers will be proposed by the scientific committee for publication in the following international journals:

  • Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
  • Biomicrofluidics (special issue)
  • Microsystem Technologies (special issue)
  • Experimental Heat Transfer
  • International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Transport Phenomena (special issue)
  • La Houille Blanche – International Journal of Water.

50th Anniversary Floodplain Management Authorities Conference

This is a late notice about the next Floodplain Management Authorities Conference which is to be held in two weeks at Gosford, NSW. For full details check out the conference’s website. In the mean time here is the welcome reproduced from the website:

On behalf of the organising committee and Gosford City Council, it is my pleasure to invite you to join us at the 50th Floodplain Management Authorities (FMA) Conference, to be held at Gosford on the Central Coast of New South Wales from 23-26 February 2010.

Being the 50th Anniversary of the FMA, Gosford 2010 will celebrate what has been achieved and look forward to the new challenges ahead of us. It will not be just about emerging issues in floodplain management, but will be a balanced discussion of practical, on-ground floodplain management and the policies and programs that impact on floodplain management across New South Wales, Australia and the globe.

Gosford 2010 also provides a fantastic opportunity to experience Gosford and the Central Coast. Home to the ninth largest urban area in Australia, the Central Coast includes many world-class beaches and national parks, providing an exciting backdrop to the 2010 Floodplain Management Authorities Conference, and associated social program and field trips.

The Gosford 2010 program will feature a number of outstanding national and international speakers, concurrent sessions, workshops and poster presentations. It will attract over 250 delegates from Australia and beyond and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet and extend contacts.

Delegates will include Commonwealth, State and Local Government representatives, research and education organisations, managers, planners and engineers, non-government organisations, user groups, Aboriginal groups, community organisations, and the business community.

I look forward to welcoming both new and returning delegates to this exciting landmark event.

Eddie Love
Chairperson Conference Organising Committee

Panel Events to June 2010

The Panel has published its event calendar to June 2010 with the following events:

  • 2nd March 2010: Networking Event
  • 23rd March 2010: Highlights of HWRS Newcastle
  • 27th April 2010: River protection works, To Groyne or not to Groyne
  • 25th May 2010: Blockage
  • 22nd June 2010: Dirty Boring tides

As usual these events are held at the EA Chatswood Auditorium and a map of this venue is available on the events page.

The organising committee also holds monthly meetings in a very relaxed format. These are generally held in the Sydney CBD starting at (or close to) 6pm and are currently scheduled for:

  • 6th April 2010
  • 4th May 2010
  • 1st June 2010

If you are interested in attending, please contact a member of the committee via email or have a chat at the next event.

National Centre for Groundwater Training Courses

The National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training has just released their training schedule for 2010 which is available via their website.

For more information contact the Centre directly.

Confluence of Water Engineers (Formal Advertisment)

Water has becomes an ever increasingly valued resource. This may explain why there are so many fields of water engineering seeking to find, manage and utilise water more sustainably. Notably these fields of engineering include, but are not restricted to the: investigation, planning and design of water and wastewater systems; investigation and design related to strategic infrastructure such as roads, rail and mines; and the integrated management of catchments to minimise the impacts of flooding.

To highlight the broad range of water engineers brought together and the technical discussions facilitated by Water Engineering Panel, the Sydney Division is holding its annual networking event The Confluence of Water Engineers on the evening of 2 March 2010.

The aim of this evening is to promote the monthly meetings of the Water Engineering Panel providing topical presentations, industry information and networking opportunities to all water engineers.

The Chair will introduce the Water Engineering Panel and provide an overview of its activities to advance knowledge and interest in the field of water engineering.

Drinks and light snacks will be provided.

When: Tuesday 2nd March, 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Engineers Australia Auditorium, Ground Floor, 8 Thomas Street, Chatswood NSW 2067
Further details: Karen Brakell, ph 92725346 (

17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference

In more conference news the announcement for the 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference has been given.

The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
5-9 December 2010

Important Dates
1 April 2010 Abstracts due.
17 May 2010 Notification of acceptance of abstracts.
15 July 2010 Full papers due.

EA Hosted Conferences

Engineers Australia have just posted their most recent list of hosted conferences but there are two conferences that stand out as water engineering focussed:

IAHR 34th Biennial Congress
Including the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium &
10th Hydraulics in Water Engineering

Call for Abstracts close 15 July 2010

When: 26 June – 1 July 2011
Where: Brisbane Convention Centre, Brisbane Australia

Pacific 2010 – International Maritime Conference

When: 27 – 29 January 2010
Where: Sydney Convention Centre