Posts in "murray-darling" tag

Murray Darling Basin Plan – Rollout Update

The Murray Darling Basin Plan guides governments, regional authorities and communities to sustainably manage and use the waters of the Basin. The Plan came into effect in November 2012, and it will be reviewed and revised throughout a 7 year implementation phase.

After the very informative Q&A style debate that was held by the Water Engineering Panel back in November 2010 in relation to the merits of the then draft Plan, we invite you to attend this talk from the Chief Executive of the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Mr Phillip Glyde who will provide an update on the progress that has been made in rolling out the Plan in the last 5 years.

About the Speaker
Phillip Glyde (Chief Executive)

Phillip Glyde has been the Chief Executive of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority since January 2016. Immediately prior to this Phillip worked for the Department of Agriculture for nine years where he had responsibility for:

  • Agriculture, fisheries and forestry policy and progress; International trade and market access;
  • The regulation of live animal exports;
  • Export certification services for food; and
  • The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES).

Phillip joined the Australian Public Service in 1980 and has worked on natural resource management, industry and environment policies in a number of Australian government departments and overseas. At a national level Phillip has worked in the departments of Agriculture, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Environment, and Resources and Energy. Phillip has also worked at the Resource Assessment Commission and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research organisation (CSIRO). Phillip has an Honours Degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of New England and a Bachelor of Economics Degree from the Australian National University.

Harricks Auditorium
8 Thomas Street Chatswood NSW 2068

Tuesday 22 August 2017 5.30 pm for a 6.00 pm start

Light refreshments will be provided prior to the presentation. Sponsored by Lyall and Associates.

To ensure your place pre-registration is mandatory.

EA Members and Students: Free
All others: $30

Printable Flyer
A printable flyer is available.

Opinion Piece from the Conversation

Over at The Conversation Dr Ian Prosser, Science Director for the CSIRO Water for a Healthy Country National Research Flagship, has published an opinion piece on the Murray-Darling plan.

One of the big challenges around the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s Proposed Basin Plan is to work out just how much the basin’s environment would benefit from the plan.

When the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan was released in 2010 there was plenty of information to fuel debate about the costs to irrigated agriculture and communities of reduced water use. However, there was less information on the benefits to Australia of returning river environments to a healthier state.

The full report is available at The Conversation.

Presentation on the Murray Darling Basin Plan

The EA Sydney Water Engineering Panel is excited to announce that Mr Rob Freeman, CEO MDBA, will present an overview of the newly released Murray-Darling Basin Plan at a specially convened EA Seminar to be held at the University of New South Wales on 23rd November, 2010. Following the presentation, discussion of the Basin Plan will be led by a Panel of experts and stakeholders from diverse range of backgrounds including Dr John Williams, Commissioner, NSW Natural Resources Commission; Prof. Richard Kingsford, Environmental Scientist, UNSW; Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, NSW Irrigators; and Mr Charles Armstrong, President, NSW Farmers’ Association.

Please join us for what we anticipate will be an informative and lively discussion of Australia’s most topical water subject. Note that while attendance at the Seminar is free, seating is limited so it is essential that you RSVP to ensure your attendance. In order to ensure a wide ranging and balanced discussion, questions from the floor will be pre-selected and moderated by the EA Sydney Water Engineering Panel.

Please refer to the attached flyer for full details.

Date: Tuesday November 23rd 2010
Time: Refreshments from 5:30 pm for 6:00pm
Venue: Mathews Theatre Law Theatre Map Reference F8, University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus (

Limited Seating! RSVP:
Pre-register a question:

Enquiries: Grantley Smith or Scott Button:

Presentation: Bushfires Impacts on the Murray-Darling Basin

Ian White, Professor of Water Resources and Associate Director Research at ANU, will give the next Sydney Water Engineering Panel session on the impacts of bushfires on the upper Murray-Darling basin. This is scheduled for Tuesday July 27th 2010, 5:30 for 6pm at the EA Auditorium, Chatswood. Refreshments will be available prior to, and during, the event and RSVPs are not necessary.

Professor White’s major research focus is into the interactions of surface water with groundwater systems. His current research activities include the mitigation of land use impacts on catchment yield and water management policy development.


Analysis of the long term impacts of Victoria’s 1939 bushfires on Melbourne’s water supply catchments in the 1970’s revealed startling, long-term decreases in catchment yields as the burnt out mountain ash forests regenerated. It has been suggested that similar decreases in yield would occur in other native-forested water supply catchments in the Murray-Darling Basin. The January 2003 bushfires, which essentially burnt out all of Canberra’s near-pristine Cotter River water supply catchments provided an opportunity to study the impact of severe bushfires on catchments predominantly containing dry sclerophyll forests. This talk will examine the impacts of the 2003 wildfire and a smaller fire in 1983 on water quality and on catchment yield in forests that are different from Victoria’s mountain ash water supply catchments and will discuss reasons for the marked differences in responses. Analysis of results was complicated by the exceptionally dry period following the 2003 bushfires. Additionally, impacts of management decisions on water quality will also be highlighted.

For further details please contact Peter Brady ( or check out the PDF flyer.

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