The EA Sydney Water Engineering Panel is excited to announce that Mr Rob Freeman, CEO MDBA, will present an overview of the newly released Murray-Darling Basin Plan at a specially convened EA Seminar to be held at the University of New South Wales on 23rd November, 2010. Following the presentation, discussion of the Basin Plan will be led by a Panel of experts and stakeholders from diverse range of backgrounds including Dr John Williams, Commissioner, NSW Natural Resources Commission; Prof. Richard Kingsford, Environmental Scientist, UNSW; Mr Andrew Gregson, Chief Executive Officer, NSW Irrigators; and Mr Charles Armstrong, President, NSW Farmers’ Association.

Please join us for what we anticipate will be an informative and lively discussion of Australia’s most topical water subject. Note that while attendance at the Seminar is free, seating is limited so it is essential that you RSVP to ensure your attendance. In order to ensure a wide ranging and balanced discussion, questions from the floor will be pre-selected and moderated by the EA Sydney Water Engineering Panel.

Please refer to the attached flyer for full details.

Date: Tuesday November 23rd 2010
Time: Refreshments from 5:30 pm for 6:00pm
Venue: Mathews Theatre Law Theatre Map Reference F8, University of New South Wales, Kensington Campus (

Limited Seating! RSVP:
Pre-register a question:

Enquiries: Grantley Smith or Scott Button: