This is a repost of a newsletter from the ARR team.

ARR Seminars
Project 15: 2D Modelling in Urban Areas and Project 10: People and Vehicle Stability in Floods
Project 15: The presentation will provide an overview of recent research undertaken as part of Project 15 of the Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision and funded by the Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency and WRL. The research project investigated the application of 2D models in urban areas, with a particular focus on the representation of buildings and other floodplain flow obstacles in numerical models. See Flyer for more Information

Project 10
Project 10: This presentation reviews the early work, collates and discusses subsequent experimental testing, empirical expressions and safety guidelines derived from these studies. The entire data-set of relevant experimental results is re-analysed and tolerable flow conditions related to human and vehicle safety and safe working conditions are presented. See Flyer for more Information

Tuesday, 13 March 2012
12.15pm (light lunch provided)
12.30pm to 2.00pm Seminar
Old Woolstore Theatrette
1 Macquarie Street, Hobart
RSVP: To Catherine Reading 6234 2228 or by no later than Tuesday, 6 March 2012

See Flyer for more information

Thursday 19th April 2012

Thursday 26h April 2012
5:30 to 6:30
John Connell Auditorium at Engineers Australia, 21 Bedford Street, North Melbourne.
The seminar would be followed by drinks and nibbles.

General Updates
Report Review Process
The Revision team is committed to producing a quality project for industry. As part of the revision process has been developed where reports are reviewed by the Technical Committee as well as Australian and International reviewers. The following reports are undergoing the detailed review process prior to release to the industry for comment.

  • Project 4 – Continuous rainfall sequences at a Point
  • Project 15 – 2D modelling – the major report/ guideline to 2D modelling

ARR in the news
Project 15 flow around buildings work undertaken by WRL recently featured in the news (see links below). The research project investigated the application of 2D models in urban areas, with a particular focus on the representation of buildings and other floodplain flow obstacles in numerical models. Also the Flow around buildings report has been released for industry comment and can be downloaded here

Project 15 – You Tube Video

Project 15 – Herald article

Call for Reviewers
Those interested in reviewing projects should email briefly describing which projects they are interested in reviewing and what qualifications/experience they have in those practice areas.

Australian Rainfall and Runoff has joined LinkedIn. Join the group for discussions and updates on the revision of Australian Rainfall and Runoff.