UPDATE 2016-05-20: Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to cancel the Broken Hill presentation scheduled for 24th May.  We hope to reschedule this for later in the year.


The lack of local rainfall and a sequence of record low flows in the Darling River system in western NSW has depleted surface water availability in the Menindee Lakes system and also led to a decline in water quality in that region. This section of the Darling River is also the main water supply for the city of Broken Hill and surrounding communities. The NSW government initiated an inter-agency response in late 2014 to develop and deliver a series of short-term measures that initially extended surface water availability via improved water treatment capability and in the case of Menindee township, provided an alternate raw water supply and then a progressive development of groundwater resources. The presentation will cover:

  • an overview of the Menindee Lakes system including the significant cultural heritage issues that impact on any works in that area
  • the investigation and development of a progressive series of projects to maintain an ongoing short term water supply; and
  • a snap shot of the various community and stakeholder interactions/responses that have to be managed in such a public project.


image005Josh White is a certified practising civil engineer with more than twenty five years’ experience in the civil construction industry across Australia, South East Asia, Middle East and Europe. Josh is currently the Program Manager of Major Projects at Water NSW.


EA Auditorium
Ground Floor, 8 Thomas St Chatswood, NSW 2067 DATE & TIME
24th May 2016
5.30pm for 6pm Start

TICKETS (incl. GST):
Members & Students Complimentary
Non-members $30

22nd May 2016

Pre-registration is mandatory at:


Further Details

Please contact Erwin Jeremiah for further information.

PDF Flyer

A PDF flyer is available for download and print.

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