Conference Welcome Address: The HON Dave KELLY BA MLA, Minister for Water; Fisheries; Forestry; Innovation and ICT; Science will open the conference
Keynote speakers:
- Mark Fletcher, Global Water Leader, ARUP
- Kaia Hodge, Manager City Futures, Sydney Water
- Jim Singleton, Strategic Planning & Environment, City of Wanneroo
Site Tour: As part of the Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD 2018) & Hydropolis 2018 conference there will be a site tour to Watercorp’s Groundwater Replenishment Plant and Rosehill Waters South Guildford on Monday 12 February 2018 in the afternoon. The site tour is included in the cost of a full conference registration
Workshop session: In addition to the site tour on Monday 12 February 2018 there will be a half day workshop session on ARR16 Urban catchments hosted by Innovyze. Register your interest on the WSUD 2018 website.
Conference Dinner and Awards: The Conference Dinner and Awards will take place on Wednesday 14 February 2018 at Crown Towers from 6.30pm. As part of the conference dinner, we will be announcing the Stormwater WA Awards for Excellence and the Engineers Australia Hall of Fame. Tickets can be purchased for the dinner alone if you are not attending the conference.
Registration: Standard registration ends on 30 January – register now! After this date a late registration fee applies.
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