ARR is running two workshops at the Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference as part of the Engineers Australia Convention 2014.
Australian Rainfall and Runoff Climate Change Guidelines Launch
Speaker: Bryson Bates
Wednesday 26 November 2014, 4-5.30pm
Australian Rainfall and Runoff will be launching its Interim Climate Change Guidelines at the Engineers Australia National Convention 2014. These guidelines were lead by Dr Bryson Bates from CSIRO. This draft discussion paper draws on the most recent climate science, particularly the release of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on the Physical Science Basis in September 2013 (IPCC, 2013) as well as the new climate change projections for Australia (CSIRO and BoM, 2014), and outlines an approach to address the risks from climate change in projects and decisions that involve estimation of design flood characteristics. For consistency with the revised IFD design estimates for Australia, the Interim Guideline is intended to be applied to current-day rainfall intensities with a probability of one exceedance per year or annual exceedance probabilities (AEPs) from 50% to 1%.
Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 18 – Interaction of Coastal Processes and Severe Weather Events
Speaker: Seth Westra, Michael Leonard
Thursday 27 November 2014, 3.30-5 pm
Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 18 focused on the Interaction of Coastal Processes and Severe Weather Events. This session will include an overview of the methodology and a demonstration of the software developed by the University of Adelaide. This project will address the current short coming in estimating flood behaviour in the estuarine zone for current and future climate conditions.
To register please go to the Convention Website
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